Lose yourself in a labyrinth of arresting unconventionality with Christine Tarquinio’s indie pop single, New Year’s Day

The 21st of June may seem a strange time to release a single titled New Year’s Day, but the internet phenomenon singer-songwriter Christine Tarquinio knew exactly what she was doing with this quintessentially eccentric indie-pop release which brings to mind the futility of allowing the calendar to dictate the date of your transformations and resolutions. The twee in all the right places installation of indie bedroom pop carries a touch of art pop expressionism in its quirky authenticity which allows the recording artist to emerge as an unrestrained icon of creative freedom and heartfelt individuality. With dustings of 90s pop aesthetics in the release which wears Kate Bush influences on the vocal harmonies, there’s just enough nostalgia and familiarity within New Year’s Day for listeners to find their footing in the labyrinth of arresting unconventionality. New Year’s Day is now available to stream on Spotify. Review by Amelia Vandergast

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